
Transporting Table entries from one server to another.

Scenario:  In this scenario, we would try to transport the table entries of table SCARR.

Go to transaction SE10. Click on Create.  

Following pop-up appears. Select Workbench request. (If the table is customizing table, then select customizing request)

Provide a short description to the request.

The request is displayed as shown below

Now double-click on the request, 

Go to change mode, and enter the following details:

Now click on the key button available under the name “Function” (As shown in the screenshot above). Following screen appears. Double-click on the first empty line. 

Here we can provide the entries that we would need to transport. For our demo purpose, we are transporting all the entries in SCARR belonging to client 800. 

Press Enter. Screen would look as follows:

Now you can check for the entries that would be transported as per the given condition, by clicking on the table button highlighted in the screenshot above. 
Select the third radio button “Table contents specified by current key”. 

Following entries would appear:

Click on Save. A warning message would appear. 

SAP issues a warning message when an application table is used. Following is the SAP help that would appear when we click on the message:

Ignore the warning message and click on Save. The request would appear as follows: 

Now transport this request to transport the data to any other system.

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