
How To Create The Most Common Used iViews In The SAP Enterprise Portal

        SAP Portal iViews (Information View) are the most basic type of portal content which are used to integrate applications into an SAP Portal. If you want to show any information /service applications on the portal then you have to create an iView, which is then assigned to a page. Pages are then assigned to a workset and workset’s are assigned to roles. Finally, roles are assigned to users.

In this tutorial we will learn to create the five most used iViews is the Sap Enterprise Portal and these iViews are:

  1. Web Dynpro ABAP iViews
  2. Web Dynpro JAVA iViews
  3. BSP iViews
  4. SAP Transaction iViews
  5. URL iViews
Please ensure that your user ID has been assigned the ‘Content Administrator’ role.

1. Web Dynpro ABAP iViews

Before creating the Web Dynpro ABAP iView you must have the following information ready with you:

  • System (Mandatory): Alias of the backend system
  • Namespace (Mandatory): This is always going to be SAP.
  • Application Name (Mandatory): Web Dynpro ABAP Application Name
  • Configuration Name (Optional): If you have created an application configuration then provide the configuration name in this field.
  • Application Parameters (Optional): If your application has any parameters then you can give them here.

Step-by-step process:

1. Logon to SAP enterprise portal by entering your user ID and password.

2. Navigate to ‘Content Administrator’ role.

3. In the ‘Content Administrator’ role, browse the ‘Portal Content’ folder and select a folder in which you wish to create your new iView.

4. Now, right click on the folder in which you want to create the iView, then select New and then select on iView.

5. This will open the iView wizard, select Web Dynpro ABAP application and then click on the ‘Next’ button.

In older versions of portal if you don’t find the Web Dynpro ABAP application radio button, then you have to select on
iView template → SAP Web Dynpro → Web Dynpro ABAP.
6. Now give a name and a unique ID to your iView.

And then press on the ‘Next’ button.
7. Now, as mentioned before here you will have to provide the following five values:
System Alias, Namespace, Application Name, Configuration Name and Application Parameters, out of this configuration name and application parameters are optional.

Click on the ‘Next’ button.
8. After pressing the next button you will see the Summary screen.

Click on ‘Finish’ button to complete the process. Now, you have successfully created the iView for your Web Dynpro ABAP application, and you can assign this iView to pages, workset, roles and then to the user.
To test your newly created iView right click on the iView and then select ‘Preview’.

2. Web Dynpro JAVA iViews

Before creating Web Dynpro JAVA iView you must have the following information ready with you:
  • Web Dynpro JAVA Development Component (DC) name, if it is a local development then the component name.
  • Application Name
 Step-by-step process:
Steps 1 to Step 4 are same as in creation of Web Dynpro ABAP iView.
5. In the iView Wizard, select Web Dynpro for JAVA radio button and then press ‘Next’ button.

6. Select ‘Application Location’ as local and ‘iView type’ as ‘Web Dynpro iView per selected application’ and then press the ‘Next’ button.

7. Select the Web Dynpro Component and the Web Dynpro Application for which you want to create your iView and then click on the ‘Next’ button.

8. Click on ‘Finish’ button to complete the process. You have successfully created the iView for your Web Dynpro JAVA application, and now you can assign this Iview to pages, workset, roles and then to the user.

To test your newly created iView right click on the iView and then select ‘Preview’.

3. Business Server Pages (BSP) iViews

Before creating the BSP iView you must have the following information ready with you:
  • System (Mandatory): Name of the Backend System
  • Customer Namespace (Mandatory): SAP
  • Application Namespace (Mandatory): SAP
  • Application Name (Mandatory): Business Server Page (BSP) Application Name
  • Start Page (Mandatory): Generally default.htm
  • Application Parameters (Optional): If your application has any parameters then you can give them here.
 Step-by-step process:
Steps 1 to Step 4 are same as in creation of Web Dynpro ABAP iView.
5. In the iView Wizard, select ‘iView template – Create an iView from an existing iView template’ radio button and then click on the ‘Next’ button.
6. Select the SAP BSP iView template and then click on ‘Next’ button.

7. Give a name and a unique Id to your iView and then press the ‘Next’ button.

8. Select Application as ‘BSP Definition Type’ and then click on the ‘Next’ button.

9. Select the System from the drop down list, enter SAP as the customer namespace, SAP as application namespace, BSP application name, start page and application parameters if there are any.

After entering all the information click on the ‘Next’ button.
10. Click on ‘Finish’ button to complete the process. So, you have successfully created the iView for your BSP application, and now you can assign this Iview to pages, workset, roles and then to the user.

To test your newly created iView right click on the iView and then select ‘Preview’.

4. SAP Transaction iViews

Before creating the SAP Transaction iView you must have the following information ready with you:
  • System (Mandatory): Name of the Backend System
  • Transaction Code (Mandatory)
 Step-by-step process:
Steps 1 to Step 4 are same as in creation of Web Dynpro ABAP iView.
5. In the iView Wizard, select ‘iView template – Create an iView from an existing iView template’ radio button and then press ‘Next’ button.
6. Select the SAP Transaction iView template and then click on ‘Next’ button.

7. Give a name and a unique Id to your iView and then click on the ‘Next’ button.

8. Select SAP GUI for HTML as the GUI type and then press the ‘Next’ button.

10. Select the System from the drop down list, enter the Transaction Code and then press the ‘Next’ button.

11. Click on ‘Finish’ button to complete the process. So, you have successfully created the iView for your SAP Transaction, and now you can assign this Iview to pages, workset, roles and then to the user.

To test your newly created iView right click on the iView and the select ‘Preview’.

5. URL iViews

Before creating the URL iView you must have the following information ready with you:
• System (Mandatory): Name of the Backend System
• Transaction Code (Mandatory)

Step-by-step process:

Steps 1 to Step 4 are same as in creation of Web Dynpro ABAP iView.
5. In the iView Wizard, select ‘iView template – Create an iView from an existing iView template’ radio button and then press ‘Next’ button.
6. Select the URL iView template and then click on ‘Next’ button.

7. Give a name and a unique Id to your iView and then press the ‘Next’ button.

8. Give URL that provides content to your iView at runtime, and then press the ‘Next’ button.

9. Click on ‘Finish’ button to complete the process. So, you have successfully created the iView for your URL, and now you can assign this iView to pages, workset, roles and then to the user.

To test your newly created iView right click on the iView and the select ‘Preview’.

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